Eastship has built its reputation and success on a commitment to safety, quality and excellence in all we do. These core values are at the heart of who we are. We place health, safety and environmental protection above all else. We deliver uncompromising quality founded on the shared conviction that failure is not an option.
Eastship si-a cladit reputatia si succesul prin siguranta, calitate si excelenta in tot ceea ce face. Acestea sunt valorile noastre fundamentale si baza a tot ceea ce facem. Punem siguranta si protectia mediului pe primul plan. Calitatea serviciilor noastre este de necontestat si avem convingerea ca reusim tot cea ce ne propunem.
Health & Safety
Our goal is clear affirmation that injuries, accidents and harm to people or the environment will be unacceptable at Eastship within the project’s operational culture. The company makes every effort to promote site safety and achieve a world class project performance and ensure its sub/contractors compliance with their statutory responsibilities in the field of health and safety.
In cultura orgenizatiei noastre nu au loc accidentele umane sau de mediu. Eastship face eforturi continue pentru a imbunatati siguranta la locul de munca si si de a atinge un nivel ridicat de performanta solicitand in acelasi timp partenerilor sa repecte cele mai inalte standade de siguranta in activitatea lor.
Eastship Team members have firmly rooted their sense of oneness with nature and they know how to profit from the goods it offers. Both in everyday life and at the business level, we try to follow the rules of corporate and environmental responsibility. That is why Eastship, and its subcontractors, continuously strive to reduce energy consumption.
La Eastship am înrădăcinat ferm sentimentul de unitate cu natura si știm cum sa folosim ceea ce natura ne oferă. Atât în viața de zi cu zi, cât și la nivel de afaceri, încercăm să respectăm regulile responsabilității corporative și de mediu. Acesta este motivul pentru care Eastship se străduieste continuu să reducă consumul de energie si cere acelasi lucru si subcontractantilor sai.
Eastship emphasises the importance of the quality of its products and services. All our solutions meet the international criteria for onshore and offshore use, as well as more stringent criteria for the use of products at low or very high temperatures, under the risk of air pollution or military conditions.
Eastship pune un mare accent pe calitatea produselor si serviciilor oferite. Solutiile oferite de noi respecta standardele din domeniul onshore si offshore, precum si cele de temperatura scazuta sau ridicata, standardele de mediu sau de utilizare militara.
We go beyond compliance with our legal, regulatory and contractual obligations, reviewing our quality objectives and effectiveness on a quarterly basis and constantly seeking to improve our Quality Management System. Our commitment to quality is evidenced by the following ISO certifications:
Mergem dincolo de respectarea obligațiilor noastre legale, de reglementare și contractuale, revizuind trimestrial obiectivele noastre de calitate și eficacitatea și căutând în mod constant să ne îmbunătățim sistemul de management al calității. Angajamentul nostru față de calitate este refelctat de următoarele certificări ISO:
- ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System
- ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management system
- ISO/IEC 27001:2013 – Information Security Management System
- ISO 45001:2018– Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- ISO Integrated Policy
- ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System
- ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management system
- ISO/IEC 27001:2013 – Information Security Management System
- ISO 45001:2018– Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- ISO Integrated Policy
Eastship has a limited liability of EURO 1.500.000,- per event. Copy and terms of the insurance are available on request.
Asigurarile pentru serviciile Eastship au o valoare standard de EURO 1.500.000,- per eveniment. Termenii si conditiile asigurarii sunt prezentate fiecarui client si sunt insotite de copii ale documentelor de asigurare.